Unity is a free 3D/2D game engine. It can be used to create video games or applications on Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and Mobile platforms. In the first two days you will learn how to use Unity Game Engine, Monodevelop Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the C# programming language. Day three is dedicated to creating your own video game and finally day four is for advanced methods that will help you to continue making your own video game. Seven dollar (7$) admission fee per session, includes three hours of software training, pizza, beverages and handouts. It is advised you bring your own computer, pre-downloaded with Unity Game Engine. To ensure a seat RSVP, tickets sold at the door.
10/13/2017 | 5:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m | Learning the basics of Unity Game Engine.
10/14/2017 | 1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m | Learning programming basics.
10/20/2017 | 5:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m | Creating a Demo game in Unity Game Engine.
10/21/2017 | 1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m | Learning advanced Unity Techniques and advanced programing techniques.
TechWorks! 321 Water St, Binghamton, NY, one block north of clinton street bridge.
(five minute walk from BC connection bus terminal)
Contact Information:
(607) 723-8600
Unity Download
Q: Is Unity free?
A: Unity is free for personal use. It can also be bought for additional features.
Q: Where is Unity used?
A: Unity Game Engine is used by hobbyists and businesses alike. It is easy to learn and powerful. It is used in the Video Game industry and in the Simulation Training industry.
Q: Why do I want to learn Unity?
A: Learning Unity opens up many job opportunities in the software engineering job field.