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IBM 1401 System Power Up
Power up: Saturday, April 15th @ 1pm
TechWorks! IBM 1401 system is ready for its first power up since the 1990s — join us today, Saturday, April 15th, at 1pm for the system's rebirth.
The TechWorks! system is one of a dozen surviving IBM 1401 systems worldwide, three of which are operational. Our system — including CPU, card reader/punch, 1403 printer, and six 729 tape drives — was most generously donated by Paul Pierce, November 2015. The CPU and card reader/punch have been cleaned, power supplies bench tested, circuitry documented, and a transformer installed to provide the original 208 volt/3 phase power required.
In electronics circles, powering up of a new or newly refurbished machine is an "event", with the tech team gathered round watching carefully for white smoke, fire extinguishers in hand, until the machine is proclaimed alive and people cheer. If it fizzles — no white smoke, no panel lights go on — the team will roll up their sleeves to troubleshoot the issue.
Vintage IBM Computing Center Team (L-R): Bill Green, Fred Petras, Jack Westermann, Bob Lusch, Eric Adler, Jim Ulrich, Nick Hekman, Don Manning. Team members not shown include Bob Arnold, Don Blake, Will Donzelli, Art Law, Don McCarty, Tom Schappe, & Stanley Yan.
Join us to observe the start of the 1401's next phase of life at the TechWorks! Vintage IBM Computing Center, one block north of the Clinton Street Bridge and Doubletree Hilton Hotel. Use the South entrance. If steps are an issue, please park at 326 Water Street (brown bldg across the street from the North entrance) and call 607-723-8600. We will meet you at the North entrance to escort you up an inside ramp to the Vintage IBM Computing Center.
In 1962 the world's first TV satellite — Telstar — was used by two IBM 1401 systems — one in Endicott, NY and one in LaGaude, France — for transatlantic data transfer. The technology introduced by this satellite inspired one of the best known pop chart songs of the 1960s: Telstar by the Tornados.
TechWorks! is open for tours Saturdays 1-4PM. Most suitable for teens and adults. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times during their visit. Admission $5, free for Friends of TechWorks! donors.
IBM 1401 Arrival
A vintage IBM 1401 system arrives at TechWorks! from Portland, Oregon
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